[TowerTalk] Antenna Modeling Programs

w8ji.tom w8ji.tom@MCIONE.com
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 14:58:21 -0500

> >I am interested in modeling
> >yagis and various kinds of wire antennas, delta loops,
> >bobtails, rhombics, wire beams, etc etc. Bryan W5KFT
> >I want the same data, and one set will serve many of us, if it is here
> >rather than only direct. Thanks- Bill-- W4BSG

I like Roy Lewallen's (W7EL) stuff, EZNEC and such. When I model antennas,
I use Roy's stuff and I always find it comes out very close to the real
world..within the limits of modeling.

Roy is an extremely competent engineer, among the best I've ever met in my
30 year's of dealing with RF engineers. Not only that, Roy is a really nice
guy on a personal level and openly admits when he makes the rare error that
is bound to occur. I've had other software guys "get an attitude" over
nothing. When I need a straight answer, I know I can depend on Roy.

IMHO the person behind the software is what makes the software good,
especially if there is a problem.

73 Tom

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