[TowerTalk] Apology -- sorta -- re Beam Heading Programs

Gilmer, Mike mgilmer@gnlp.com
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 13:55:54 -0500

Like it or not it seems that TowerTalk has become the catch-all for
topics that have no apparent active reflector.  There are questions here
regarding antennas all the time - excuse me for my silliness but it
seems that Antennaware would be a better forum - but check the
AntennaWare reflector - it's as dead as 10M at night in a sunspot
minimum.  I guess this means that folks think they can get a good answer
here.  I guess that's "why here" :o)

Mike, N2MG

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Pete Smith [SMTP:n4zr@contesting.com]
> Sent:	Monday, December 14, 1998 1:31 PM
> To:	towertalk@contesting.com
> Subject:	[TowerTalk] Apology -- sorta -- re Beam Heading Programs
> Judging from the number of flaring electronic nostrils out there,
> maybe I
> should apologize for objecting to the beam heading software thread.
> On the
> other hand, the connection to Towertalk topics is tenuous at best, so
> let
> me rephrase ... it's NOT silly, but why here?
> 73,  Pete N4ZR
> Loud is good
> --
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Submissions:              towertalk@contesting.com
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