[TowerTalk] Re: Phillystran and cable clamps

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 12:07:16 EST

In a message dated 98-12-17 10:51:07 EST, you write:

<< I recently put up a 15 foot Create tower on top of my house and have a
 KT34-XA  on top of it.  Gerald at  Texas Towers told me that the smallest
 Phillystran (1200 lb. test) would be sufficient to hold this in 70  mph
 wind.  Further, Texas Towers' catalog says to use 4 cable clamps with the
 smallest Phillystran and preform grips with all other sizes.
 >>The "local tower guru" only used 3 clamps, and said  I didn't need 4 anyway
 when he helped me put up the antenna  Am I at risk with only 3 clamps,
considering the square
 footage of tower and antenna?  (Tower is rated at 23 sq. ft. @ 90 mph).>>

       Guying this tower is the old 'belt-and-suspenders' approach. The tower
is rated at its spec free-standing so assuming the tower base is engineered
and installed adequately, then the additional guys are redundant and probably
unnecessary. OTOH I will never discourage someone from over-engineering
something. (Are the roof guy anchors adequate? I had to ask.)

      Not using the factory recommended four clamps is a clear violation of
the LXC Prime Directive of "DO what the manufacturer says". The risk in your
case is pretty negligible since the actual forces on the guys are small
(except in case of catastrophic failure). In that case, the guys will probably
break before the Phillystran pulls out of the clamps anyway. 

Cheers,  Steve    K7LXC

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