[TowerTalk] de:K9APW -- Anyone used an Antenna Mart VHF Quad on 6?

LUST AUCTION SERVICES - Verona, WI rlust@madison.tds.net
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 22:04:31 -0600

>Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 22:02:26 -0600
>To: vhf@w6yx.stanford.edu
>From: "LUST AUCTION SERVICES - Verona, WI" <rlust@madison.tds.net>
>Subject: de:K9APW -- Anyone used an Antenna Mart VHF Quad on 6?
>Was given information on the ANTENNA MART VHF Quads,
>specifically, their "Two Wave VHF XQ-Quads" --
>They have a model XQ-6 8-element 6-meter quad on a 18-ft.
>boom -- 
>Has anyone ever used an Antenna Mart quad such as this on either 6 or their
>2 meter models?
>Any thoughts or remarks or "pros/cons" on them or the quad antennas?
>Will go up in south central Wisconsin at 85-ft. if I decide it is a good
investment on 6--
>Happy Holidays --
>Dick, K9APW --

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