[TowerTalk] Measuring Terrain Slope / Elevation

Chuck Sudds csudds@probe.net
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 10:38:00 -0600

At 11:35 AM 12/22/98 -0600, you wrote:

>I would like to create a more accurate terrain profile in front of some
>of my antennas for say 500 to 1000 ft out, every 50 ft.
>Other than using a transit, are there some simple methods for
>determining slope or changes in elevation?
>Thanks for any clever ideas.
>Merry Christmas to all,
>Tom  N4KG

Hi Tom!

        When I moved up here to the farm about 9 years ago, I wanted to know
"the lay of the land" as well. I obtained a topographic map for about a buck
from the following address:

U.S. Geological Survey
Denver Colorado  80225


U.S. Geological Survey
Washington D.C. 20242

They show, in detain, elevations in about a 5 square mile area! Good detail
and good enough to pinpoint your exact location.  Good luck and Happy Holidays.


Chuck Sudds  KØTVD
Missouri Valley, Iowa USA
   Heartland DX Association   http://ns1.qsl.net/hdxa/

http://www.probe.net/~csudds/  or 

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