[TowerTalk] My Christmas Gift to Ham Radio

Fredrick R. Gern k2fr@juno.com
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:18:04 EST

OK, here's the deal.
I'm willing to forgo the enormouse profits that
could be made by this idea because I feel it is
too important to Amatuer Radio to be rationed out for 
mere profit.

I propose that ALL hams erecting a tower, with or without
a permit do the following:
Construct 3 vertical dipole antennae with associated stand 
off brackets.  There probably should be make of  PVC pipe.
Mount these near the top of your tower. 

Since these antennae will be modeled after cellular tower 
transmitting ones the following will happen:
   NO ONE will complain about your tower - they will assume that
   it belogs to TPC (The Phone Company for those not familiar with
   the phrase).

  They will keep their children, dog and cats indoors to prevent them
  from getting cancer because of the 'radio waves'.

  Cellular phone sales and use will double in your area and as 
  more people walk around the supermarket grinning, smiling,
  and talking on their phones the amount of problems we 
  receive for phone RFI on 40 meters will almost disappear.

 And some irresponsible guy will probably invest $50 in materials
and thousands in advertising and sell them on some shopping 
channel for $49.95 plus shipping and handling.

FRed as in K2FR

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