[TowerTalk] A Funny Postcard!

aljaras@snet.net aljaras@snet.net
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 10:10:24 -0500

There is a Funny Postcard waiting for you !
It's from Bijou Bubba at (aljaras@snet.net IP-Address:

To retrieve this card, point your web browser at


Your postcard will be removed in two weeks if you have not gotten it by then.

If you have difficulty picking up your postcard,
try these methods:
1.  Cut and paste the above URL into your web browser space -- OR,
2.  Type  the above URL into your web browser space; pay attention
    to write it EXACTLY as it is, respecting lower/upper case letters,
    and no spaces between the characters. 

If you still have difficulty, try this url
    and  in the appropriate window space, type in your card key code
    exactly to retrieve your card.
    The key code of this card is: 981224TXALSGPFMHRG

If you still have difficulty obtaining your card (see the P.S. below),
contact the website administrator, biagio@ohmygoodness.com 

the staff at http://www.ohmygoodness.com/ 

P.S.   NOTE:
If you can't manage to enter our site, try again later or the next day.
We apologize if this happens, but you should be able to retrieve 
your card within a couple of hours at most. 
We are installing a bigger and more efficient server to handle
the unexpected, enormous success that we are having. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition process.

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