[TowerTalk] Mosley Traps and Henry 3ks -- Thanks for replies

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 14:19:27 -1000

Boy,  even on Christmas Eve,  I can step into it!!

I wrote, a bit ago:

> Rcv'd many responses.  Thanks to all,  even those who don't
>>  care for Mosley antennas;  yes,  I heard the talk at Dayton
>>  last May,  hi.  Were the Mosley folks upset -- you bet.  They
>>  requested an opportunity to respond to the speakers points,
>>  no way was that to be allowed!!

Steve replied,  and rightly so:

>      Hold on here just a minute, Senor. Since I was at the Dayton
>presentation myself (actually I gave it), there was NO request from Mosley
>anything. Were they upset? People told us they were. Did they talk to me
>anything? No. I really don't have any idea what your remarks above relate
to -
>it sure didn't happen during the Antenna Seminar that I attended.

Well,  my source was the tall lady in the Mosley booth on the main floor
within Hara Arena,  not during the Seminar session.  She was letting anyone
who came by know what,  at least she thought about what was said,  hi.
She claimed they had asked for a bit of time for a reaction;  at least,
I think that is what I heard her say.

>      I admit to one parenthetical remark disparaging Mosley antennas
>the presentation. But ALL of the test data that was presented was FROM OUR

>      In July, 1998, we sent a letter to Gary at Mosley inviting him to
>participate in our antenna test. To date, we have not heard anything from
>or them. Here's a copy of the letter:
>"Mr. Gary Stonecker
>President, Mosley Electronics Corporation
>St. Louis, MO
>Dear Gary;

---a lot snipped out---

> Steve made a remark about Mosley
>for which we both apologize - it is not our intention (or within our
>to make a case for or against any particular manufacturer or product line
as a
>consequence of these tests.  This is pointed out several times in the
---more snipped---

>In the interest of including the best of the Mosley designs, we would like
>extend the offer to include a top-of-the-line antenna in our next set of
>testing, to be conducted either this fall or in the early spring of next

---more snipped---

>Once again - apologies for any off the cuff remarks that may have reflected
>poorly on Mosley, in contrast to the careful set of data and discussions in
>our published report.  I have used Mosley antennas in the past with great
>success - the CL-36 at WØEEE did a crackerjack job!  If we can include a
>similar performer in our results our test program will be the better for

A very excellent and fair letter written by Ward,  Steve.  I hope that
you will hear from Gary and that something from them can
be included in your next tests.  In the meanwhile,  when I
recover from the cost of my coming Henry Ultra,  I am probably
going to order a Force 12 C3;  just too many reporting very good
performance/ value from that antenna.  And it was a star performer
in your past tests.  I do have your report,  and recall how I got
into trouble last Summer questioning the test protocol,  hi.

However,  as I said above,  I am pretty good at rushing in where others
would probably wait a bit,  and have read your report first!  Any way
as a ham OT (licensed 1950),  I have managed to make a lot of
errors along the way.  Fortunately,  none have as yet been fatal to
me,  nor to anyone else,  hi.

All of you enjoy the season,  we only get it once a year,  and who
knows if we will all still be around at this time next year!!  Our OOTC
org.  has a contest going to see who lasts the longest:  my wager
is good until 2004,  in spite of my little stroke on the airliner on
the way home from Dayton.  If I make 2004, after that will reconsider
the situation and wager amount on into the future from then.
PS: the wager is,  can you live as long as you are willing to
pay dues forward!

73,  and Great DX'n.

Jim,  KH7M

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