[TowerTalk] OR-2800

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Fri, 25 Dec 1998 10:13:26 EST

In a message dated 98-12-25 09:15:15 EST, ea3cr@redestb.es writes:

> I have installed two thrust bearing, but only support lateral forces, not 
>  vertical force (weight).
>  I'm planning a new antenna system that weights (mast + 2 yagis) 660 pounds,
>  with also two thrust bearing that support lateral forces, not vertical
>  (weight).
>  My OR-2800 rotator can support this weight with no problems?.
>  It is advisable install a one of the two trust-bearing to support the
>  weight to help the rotator?.

       As I recall, the instructions say for ALL of the weight to be on the
rotator. Check your manual.

Cheers,  Steve   K7LXC

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