[TowerTalk] Info on Wilson System 1 antenna

Bob Thacker k3gt@pgh.net
Sat, 26 Dec 1998 20:06:16 -0500

Hi Greg. Have a Wilson System 1 that I would be happy to photocopy the
manual for you...if you dont mind waiting a week or so. Actually it
appears to be a Mosley copy...or made by Mosley for Wilson. The SY-1 has
4 trapped elements with a 5th one as a reflector on 10 only. It has 2
tubular rods acting as a beta match. Not a bad antenna, worked well over
300 with it. My CBA is ok since 1992.

Bob, K3GT

Greg Gobleman wrote:
> Has anyone got a copy of a manual for what I believe is a Wilson
> System 1 or maybe a 33 that I can send a SASE plus copy fees for a
> copy.  This is a 4 element tribander which has a separate element for
> 10m, a director I think, although the placement looks a bit odd.
> Possibly it was meant to be a reflector.  This also uses what appears
> to be a Beta Match using tubing along the element and these show signs
> of possible arcing maybe from a bird standing on one and pecking the
> other.  Anyway there is rough holes in these tubes near but not as
> close as possible to the other tube, about midway up the length.  I
> had thought about just replacing it with aluminum wire similar to my
> Telrex.  Is that length critical?  The existing system appears tunable
> and I would like to know more about this tuning.
> Thanks es 73
> Greg K9ZM

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