[TowerTalk] Aluminum Tubing Separation

Bill Coleman AA4LR aa4lr@radio.org
Tue, 29 Dec 1998 12:01:19 -0500

On 12/4/98 20:20, Terry Sharar at terrys@romulus.ncsc.mil wrote:

>	I've had two six foot concentric aluminum tubes, about 1.5" in
>diameter, in my garage for several years. I would now like to separate
>them for use as VHF antenna masts. These tubes are quite firmly stuck one
>inside the other. I would appreciate hearing some good ideas for
>separating them without damage.

I had a similar problem separating a A3S boom splice from one of the 
booms. The only solution that helped was HEAT. 

Get a small torch and heat up the tubes thoroughly. If the tubes are 
nested flush with one another, you'll probably have to drift the inner 
one out. If you can get them separated a foot or so, you can try twisting 

Also, a penetrating silicone oil might help. WD-40 will work in this 
service. (It isn't a lubricant, since it doesn't last long enough, but 
you're not trying to lubricate surfaces, just trying to get them apart)

Alternating heat, twisting and WD-40 got my boom splice apart.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@radio.org
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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