[TowerTalk] Grounding against lightning

Dave D'Epagnier DAVED@ctilidar.com
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 08:41:16 -0700

Hi Tom,
interesting comments on grounding. I've got a few questions about your

w8ji.tom" <w8ji.tom@MCIONE.com> wrote:

> Every cable entering the bulkhead should have a solenoid winding using
> a
> few turns of conductor, spaced a few feet away from other cables and
> suspended in air. The cables should be buried for some distance before
> entering the building.
	What good does buring the cables do?

> If you can not bury the feedline, at least add a single large loop of
> coax.
Tom, what do you mean by "add a single loop of coax"?

> DO NOT ground the tower grounds to the building grounds, unless they
> are
> closer than 50 - 100 feet to each other.  
Why not?

> Adding lightning surge protectors is
> a waste of time and money on coaxial lines IF they are properly
> installed
> and maintained. 
Without surge protectors, how is charge on the center conductor of the
coax kept from blowing up my rig?

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