[TowerTalk] Element vibration

K3BU@aol.com K3BU@aol.com
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 18:22:54 EST

In a message dated 12/30/98 5:55:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,
ron@gw3ydx.demon.co.uk writes:

<< I have put rope in the tubing at the tips. As much nylon rope as I can
 stuff in. The rope fills about 5/8 of the inner diameter of the tubing,
 and is pushed back to the 1/2" dia section where pop rivets get in the
 way of any further pushing. Then I have put plastic end-caps on the tip.

Rope should free to move inside the tubing, it should not be stuffed or packed
in. It needs room to "jump" inside the tubing, it will dampen vibrations. Use
nylon rope abt 3/8" diameter. 
Vibrations are deadly, they strees element by fatigue and they just snap off.
Happened even on bullet proof Telrex beams without the rope inside elements.
GL and HNY 99


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