[TowerTalk] Tower info--"Duty to inform"
Stan Griffiths
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 04:29:00 -0800 (PST)
>On 3 Feb 98, K7LXC@aol.com <K7LXC@aol.com> wrote:
>> I guess that's why TowerTalk is such a valuable forum for these
topics. We
>> CAN talk about them.
>This may change some day in the not too distant future. There is
>presently a lawsuit in the courts dealing with who is liable for
>presenting misinformation at a conference. In this particular case it
>was a medical (orthopedic) conference. I don't know all the details,
>as it isn't my field - Some plate/screw device used to help bones
>heal was used in some unconventional manner ( and caused harm to a
>patient) from data presented at a conference. Besides the surgeon
>involved, also named in the suit are the manuafacturer of the device
>AND the organization that held the conference (in this case, the
>American College of Orthopedic Surgeons, or something like that).
>They are claiming that it is the conference organizer's
>responsibility to validate all material presented.
>Just think... If the conference organizer is held liable, K7LXC
>(and W4AN?) could be held liable for any misinformation posted on
>this reflector, leading to harm.
>%$#@#$#@%ing lawyers!
>73 Barry
Gee, I certainly hope that idea does not infect this relector. That would
set us back to the stone age . . .
Stan w7ni@teleport.com
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