[TowerTalk] Balan tech lit - free
Phil Florig
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 18:32:46 -0600
Sorry All,
Forgot the download address for the file.
orig msg follows:
Hi All,
While going thru some of my IEEE Lit, I came across
a tech paper that is available to download free.
It is in PDF file format and is titled:
"Design and Realization of Broadband Transmission
Line Matching Transformers" by Jerry Sevick
After I downloaded it I found out the Mr. Sevick is
a ham but no call listed. He is retired from AT&T
and is tech adviser to ARRL.
Just thought it may be of interest to someone.
If anyone knows his e-mail address, I would
appreciate it.
tnx all and 73,
Philip Florig W9IXX
PO Box 44 tel: 1-708-798-1170
Worth, IL. 60482 fax: 1-708-385-7515
U.S.A. e-mail: pflorig@mcs.net
Metro DX Club KB9RXS
Oak Forest, IL.
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