[TowerTalk] Kellum grips

Dick Flanagan dick@libelle.com
Sun, 8 Feb 1998 09:40:44 -0800

At 4:12 AM -0800 2/8/98, Ted Leaf wrote:

>Where can I purchase Kellum grips?

I have found Kellems (the 's' is a part of the name) to be a "stock" item
available from just about any industrial electrical supply outfit.  They
are manufactured by Hubbell and, while the small sizes may not be kept in
stock, the  supplier can order them from Hubbell.  In my case, it takes
about a week for them to come in.  In the Islands, I don't have a clue what
kind of delays would be involved.

If they don't have a catalog you can look through, what you want are
Kellems catalog #022-16-003 which work fine for RG213-size coax.  This
particular Kellems accepts cables sized 0.35" to 0.44".  Here in the Reno
area, they cost about $6.50 each in onesy twosy quantities.

At one time Steve was considering stocking them at Tower Tech, but I don't
think he does yet.

73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada DM09db (South of Reno)
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