[TowerTalk] Mosley antennas
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 13:01:21 EST
In a message dated 98-02-12 23:53:02 EST, Dave_Raymond-CSUS04@email.mot.com
> the TA33 always
> held it's own with surprisingly modest differences in comparison to 3
> high and 4 high monoband stacks. It also survived two major ice storms
> that took down almost everything else around that was similar to it.
> What more you could ask from a triband antenna on a 14' boom??? A poor
> performer? I would hardly say so.
Okay. My Mosley comments were aimed at the big PRO series of antennas
since that's what we tested. Short-boom trap tribanders (A3, TH3, TA33, etc.)
are great antennas for their size. I never said that as a class that they were
poor performers.
73, Steve K7LXC
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