[TowerTalk] Antenna Peformance

Tom Osborne w7why@mail.coos.or.us
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 19:11:17 +0800

Pete Smith wrote:
> At 12:10 PM 2/13/98 -0800, K4SB wrote:
> >> This probably explains why at times my 5 watt station
> >> beats out one of the local stations running 100 watts.
> >> Both stations have 3 elem tri-banders. Mine at 64 feet, and
> >> his at 48 feet.
> >>
> >
> >Well, off the top of my head, you are claiming greater than  12.75db over
> >the other station.
> >
> >You need to get with your buddy and see what's wrong with his antenna. A
> >beam it isn't.
> Take a look at the vertical patterns of a couple of tribanders at 64 
>and 48 feet, on various bands.  I'll bet you'll find several take-off 
>angles at which the difference between the two is at least that much.
> 73, Pete Smith N4ZR

Hi Pete. Also, who is higher in elevation, etc. I have 3 elements on 20 
at 35 feet and a friend has 4 at 60 feet and I'm consistantly beating him 
out. But the location here is about 400 feet higher. 73

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