[TowerTalk] Grey line globe

Steve Weisbrod steve@gamecash.com
Sat, 28 Feb 98 09:31:00 -0600

Hi Everyone
I'm back from my trip to Texas and here is the info on the grey line   
This is the globe shown in ON4UN's low band DX book. It is made by
Columbus Verlag
Postfach 11 65
72502 Krauchenwies
Contact: Paul Oestergaard
It is sold in the states by:
Spherical Concepts Inc.
Twelve Davis Ave.
P.O. Box 1215
Frazer   Pennsylvania 19355
Tel. (610)296-4119
Fax (610)889-1396

Last I checked the price was $399. I found one used right here on Tower   
Talk. I hopes this helps anyone looking for a grey line globe. It is a   
real nice addition to any shack.

73 Steve W8GAZ Minnetonka  MN

 -----Original Message-----
From: Steve Weisbrod
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 9:27 AM
To: steve; towertalk@contesting.com
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] Grey line globe

The globe you want is made by Columbus Verlag. It is a German company.
They have a store that carries their products here in the States. I have   

the address at home. I'm at work now and leaving for an out of town trip.   

I'll be back Friday and try to find the letter and post the info this

73 Steve W8GAZ Minnetonka MN

 -----Original Message-----
From: 'dcampbell@ruralhealth.org'
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 1998 10:58 PM
To: steve; 'towertalk@contesting.com'
Subject: [TowerTalk] Grey line globe

Some time ago there was an inquiry regarding grey line globes available
in the US.
    Check SUNLIT World Globe/CLOCK

     Address The George F. Cram Company
             301 South LaSalle ST.
             P.O. Box 426 Indpls. IN 46206
             Indianapolis, IN 46201

        Phone: 800 227 4199

       Wedsite:  http//www.geirgefcram.com

Denis AA0YX

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