[TowerTalk] Source for tapered aluminum?

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Thu, 2 Jul 1998 12:02:14 EDT

In a message dated 98-07-02 11:12:46 EDT, pbarkey@gw.bsu.edu writes:

<< In reassembling a Telrex antenna, I find that one of my pieces of element
 tubing is bent.  Its a twelve foot piece of 1.375" tubing, tapered at each
 end to 1" (to mate with a .875" tip).  Its .058 wall.
 Does anyone have any experience trying to purchase tapered aluminum
 without going back to the antenna manufacturer?  (Which is not an option
 in my case). >>

     What you're looking for is regular aluminum tubing that is swaged at the
end. I'd contact the other manufacturers (Force 12 for instance) and get it
from them. All of the manufacturers use the same materials and they all swage
some of the elements. 

Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC


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