[TowerTalk] Create 75meter rotary dipole for sale

bryan@prodistributors.com bryan@prodistributors.com
Thu, 02 Jul 1998 19:10:47 GMT

	Create CD-78 rotary dipole for 75 meters.  This is a reduced
scale antenna for 75 meters that will provide near full size
performance.  Rated at 4 KW SSB, the single dipole element is 
56' long and weighs 26.5 pounds.  Fits on a mast ranging from 2"
to 2.375 " in diameter.

	I had this antenna installed at 155 feet and it is a real
performer.  Works very well especially if you are restriced on space
for a full size 75 meter antenna.

	Asking $400 for antenna, would consider trades for other
ham gear or Pentium computer.

Bryan Edwards W5KFT
Lubbock, Texas 

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