[TowerTalk] MFJ 259B vs. AEA CIA-HF

DavisRFinc@aol.com DavisRFinc@aol.com
Wed, 15 Jul 1998 21:54:04 EDT

I have been following the thread about antenna analyzers and wonder if anyone
can shed light on how to properly check calibration, and results, of some of
the typically used modes of either of these products?   Also am wondering if
anyone has had a chance to compare the two on the same application?    As far
as software updates go, any manufacturer who is going to update a unit as fast
as MFJ seems to do with the A, B and now I hear the C, should be facilitating
its direct customers, and its dealers, with a method to contact recent
purchasers, advising them how to get a free update.  Over the years that DSP
was running amuck with copy cats and revisions,  we handled only one line and
made sure that our customers got the updates, free.   That's only ethical.
You should "expect" that from any manufacturer or dealer; however,  the
problem is that only the "source" determines his ethics.   Regards,  Steve
Davis, K1PEK,  DAVIS RF Co.
DAVIS RF Co., Commercial wire/cable, RF connectors, custom cable design.
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"The Triad":   DAVIS RF Co., ORION WIRE CORP and The WIREMAN:	Three types of
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relationships benefitting all.

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