[TowerTalk] A question

Joe wl7e@silverlink.net
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 00:20:35 -0700 (PDT)

     One thing to keep in mind when dealing with airports is found in the
listing below. If it is a "private" airport, the FAA rules do not apply. I
made the mistake of going to the FAA before I realized this. I have a
document from the FAA here that states: "not an obstruction under any rules"
but also says "should light the tower." Hmmm. The airport near me is a
private one, not public. Therefore, I will not light my tower.

Joe - WL7E/7

 Sec. 77.2   Definition of terms.

    For the purpose of this part:
    "Airport available for public use" means an airport that is open to the
  general public with or without a prior request to use the airport.

At 12:41 PM 7/16/98 -0700, K4SB wrote:
>George, FAA is your man, and Federal Air Regulation Part. 97 is where
>to read all about it.
>Generally speaking, towers less than 200 feet do not require lighting.
>There are exceptions of course, as well as to height, if the tower is
>within what is defined as the "approach path" of any runway. 
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FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/towertalkfaq.html
Submissions:              towertalk@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  towertalk-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-towertalk@contesting.com
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