[TowerTalk] Bees

LEE WICAL leewical@lava.net
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 09:50:29 -0400

Lyn is correct! 
However, to the uninformed, one can take 99 Bee stings and nothing may
But, that 100th sting may send you into antafalactic (sp?)shock and people die
from a strangulation of the air passage! So, beware. Don't bother to count.
medical attention immediately.

We all have differences tolerances to this shot(s) of insect protein venom,
as my 22-yrs as a BSA Scoutmaster has taught me.

We have an abundance of yellow jackets, scorpions and other venomist creatures
along our nature trails. I used to carry Coricidin(sp) which has
antihistimine (sp). Never underestimate an emergency created by and insect
bite or sting.

  At 12:47 PM 7/20/98 -0400, LYN wrote:

>>TOMK5RC@aol.com wrote:
>> Yep, its called anfalactic (sp?) shock. All of the blood vessels in your
>> constrict, as does your airway. Given a severe enough reaction, you die
>> shortly thereafter.
>Been there. Done that. Very nearly died.  Thank God I was nearemergency room.
>Now carry kit with me.
>Caution:  A person can grow to adulthood without discovering that
>he or she has a potentially fatal allergy.  You can go for years without
>encountering a substance that has the potential of closing down your
>body in mere minutes.
>Lyn, W4WDN

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