[TowerTalk] KT-34XA-again

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 17:40:11 EDT

In a message dated 98-07-20 17:13:57 EDT, geo@mbari.org writes:

<< I used pop rivets and KLM goo. I considered sheet metal screws but they
 were too long for the capacitors which have tubing running thru them.
 Shorter ones wouldn't hold due to the taper or lack of threads at the
 tip area. You could drill and tap for machine screws but that will add
 hours to the assembly of an antenna that already requires a fair amount
 of time to put together. >>

     I prefer the Tek screws. They're chisel-pointed self-tapping screws that
come in different lengths. The Phillips headed ones are the most useful.
Installation takes a couple of seconds with your cordless drill. They provide
a good mechanical and electrical connection.

Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC


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