[TowerTalk] Mismatch Loss/Tuners

sbest@cushcraft.com sbest@cushcraft.com
Wed, 22 Jul 98 09:58:58

     Hi Again:
     Two more things I would like to comment on:
     Some people have made the statement that reflected power eventually 
     gets radiated (with the exception of cable loss) because the power 
     goes back and forth in the cable.
     This is incorrect.
     The forward travelling power arrives at the antenna where some is 
     delivered to the antenna and some is reflected.  The reflection is 
     created because the antenna is a mismatch (VSWR > 1:1) at the end of 
     the cable.  
     Consider the reflected power.  It too is travelling down the cable but 
     towards the transmitter.  The transmitter is connected to the cable 
     so, to the reflected wave, it is a load at the end of the cable.  This 
     reflected wave will only be sent back towards the antenna if the 
     transmitter impedance has a VSWR much much greater than 1:1.  Most 
     transmitters are quite good and should have a low VSWR, therefore, 
     most of the reflected wave from the antenna will be delivered to the 
     transmitter where it will be dissipated.  Transmitters get hot!  
     On a different subject:  Tuners.
     Tuners do nothing more than fool the transmitter into thinking it is 
     looking at a matched cable.  If you connect a tuner at the input to 
     your cable and "tune out the reflections" you will have a low VSWR 
     between the transmitter and tuner and the SAME high VSWR between the 
     tuner and the antenna.  Tuners dissipate or cancel out the reflection 
     from the antenna so that it does not reach the transmitter.  Tuners 
     get hot too.  You do not radiate more power, unless you allow the 
     transmitter to output more power because it does not see the 
     reflections.  Sometime when you are up and running, put your power 
     meter between the transmitter and tuner and then between the tuner and 
     antenna - see what you read.  Make sure the antenna has a high enough 
     VSWR so that you see reflected power.
     Steve Best

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