[TowerTalk] Buried Guy Anchor Question

Joe Subich, W8IK w8ik@ibm.net
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 21:35:51 -0400

> Many commercial installations have fences around the anchor 
> points. I guess the guy attachment points must be pretty high 
> or the anchors must be elevated because the entry angle for the 
> guys is sufficiently steep to allow them to clear the fence and 
> stay above head level.

Actually most commercial tower installations use rather large guy 
anchor areas.  Most of the TV/FM towers I have worked around use 
6' high chain link fence to enclose the guy anchors and the area 
inside the anchor points is 10' x 16' or more. 

   ... Joe Subich, W8IK  ex-AD8I

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