[TowerTalk] Thrust Bearing Problem...maybe

Greg Clark g.w.clark@cummins.com
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 12:27:41 -0500

I may be in a oinch here...not sure yet but I'm going to assume that I

I went to turn my 15/20 stack last night and noticed that the rotor was
not moving.  I had my daughter activate the brake and I could hear it
popping...so the wedge is working (T2X).  I then went up the tower and
had my helper attempt to turn the antennas, the rotor growled with no
antenna motion...I then grabbed the 20m boom and gave a big pull.  The
antennas then took off.

The problem seems to be some type of binding in the thrust bearing.  As
the antennas rotated, I could feel a considerable catch....I'm assumming
in the bearing...that would momentarily bog the rotor down.  It would
then pop through the catch.

Right now, the bottom antenna physically is sitting on the bearing
collar.  Maybe the race has been damage with all of the wind...I have no

My next step will be to bump the bottom antenna off of the bearing and
loosen the bearing to see if it spins freely. If not.....what do I do?

My option is to "build" some type of bearing in-place on the tower or
remove 2 large mono-banders plus a big mast.(which I would like to

Any suggestions??  I've heard of a wooden bearing....is that something I
could do??

Any input would be appreciated. 


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