[TowerTalk] Soldering connectors

ATanner283@aol.com ATanner283@aol.com
Sun, 26 Jul 1998 10:56:50 EDT

Hi all....I saw a post a little while back about soldering difficulties with
213 coax. Here is a system I have been using with great success. Get yourself
a small tube cutter, the kind you use for copper tubing. Score the plastic
outer shield with it. Just go deep enuff to barely cut thru the plastic only.
This makes a nice "square " cut. Next, tin the braid. Now take the cutter
again and make a deep score in the tinned braid the correct distance from the
outer covering. Flex the braid a couple of times and it will separate in a
very nice "square" end also. Now take the cutter and cut thru the plastic down
to the wire. I usually don't go the full depth so as not to "ding" the center
connector. Tin center connector. If you have made your lengths correct it will
screw together tightly and the braid WILL fit in the 259 right up to the holes
and past so you can make a very nice connection inside and out. I know there
are variations of this but this works super for me. I ahve used it on 2213,and
RG 58. Also with foam, plastic, and air dieletrics. I have also used it on the
extra flexible 213 that I bought last year and it works super. Another feller
ham told me about this, so I am not the originator by any means. Good luck and
73  Al / W8FAX

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