[TowerTalk] Letter from Cushcraft
Larry Babb
Tue, 02 Jun 1998 00:02:30 -0600
Hi Steve,
I would like to read it. The new series of Mosley antennas
interest me. The first paragraph came through ok, but that is all I
got. thanks es 73 de larry
K7LXC@aol.com wrote:
> Greetings, TowerTalkians --
> Earlier today we got a very thoughtful post from Steve Best, the
> president of Cushcraft. I responded with a post but only included the opening
> paragraph of Steve Best's message. Apparently a few TowerTalkians never got
> the original post. So if you didn't get it but you'd like to read it (I
> suggest you do), let me know and I'll either forward it or re-post it.
> Cheers, Steve K7LXC
> --
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