[TowerTalk] Hardware for TH6DXX

Fred Hopengarten k1vr@juno.com
Mon, 08 Jun 1998 16:20:30 EDT

Fred Hopengarten  K1VR               781/259-0088
Six Willarch Road
Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
permanent e-mail address:  fhopengarten@mba1972.hbs.edu

On Mon, 08 Jun 1998 07:44:19 -0400 "Thomas R. Williams"
<n2cu@buffnet.net> writes:

>Hy-Gain has been totally unresponsive to my

K1VR:  "Totally unresponsive" seems harsh, as Linda at Hy-Gain parts, has
always been friendly to everyone else who has called in.  She may,
however, have insisted on selling you the bagged parts kit with items you
didn't want.

HOWEVER, I have been very successful (I own four TH6 or TH7's) going to
All-Stainless in Hingham, MA, or any other local fasterner place, and
purchasing bags or boxes, usually quantity 100, of stainless steel nuts,
bolts, and washers. You need to order 10% more than required anyway, to
allow for "drops" and galling, as well as spares.  In addition, I
wouldn't use anything but SS fasteners when leaving them exposed way up
in the sky.

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