[TowerTalk] TH7DX Problem Solved

Joe Subich, W8IK w8ik@ibm.net
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 13:11:58 -0400

> Replacing the coax to the tuner and from the tuner to the lowpass 
> filter did the trick.  One of them has a problem.

One point, Pat ... do not put the lowpass filter between the tuner 
and antenna.  Put it on the input (rig side) of the tuner.  One, 
high SWR is hazardous to the lowpass filter ... and two, the tuner 
in general cannot be properly tuned for both the fundamental and 
the higher order harmonics/spurious at the same time. 

If you are using the tuner with a relatively high SWR the voltages 
developed inside the lowpass fiter can be many times higher than the 
filter was designed to withstand (particularly if it just happens to 
be at the "wrong" point in the line).  

   ... Joe Subich, W8IK  ex-AD8I

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