[TowerTalk] Rope Results

Dale L. Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 18:00:20 -0500

>Looks like the winner is Dacron Braid on Braid.  1/2" sounds
like a good
>happy medium between cost, saftey and ground crew friendly.
>Thanks for all the help.  This gin pole thread has been a good
>Richard Thorne - N5ZC (ex KA2DSY, N2BHP, WB5M)

Richard, et al,

Someone used the term 'beached sailor'.  That's me, too.  I used
to crew on a 40' sailboat.  We raced; we didn't cruise--skipper
had a plaque on the cockpit forward bulkhead which read: Never
give an inch!  We never did where it did not endanger or damage
the boat unnecessarily.

Anyway, having hauled my share of sheets, guys (spinnaker, not
mast), and halyards, in all kinds of seas and winds, I can tell
you that the thicker the better when it comes to holding a line
with tension.  Smaller diameters tend to be more painful to hold
under tension.

Consider your ground crew!

dale, kg5u

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