[TowerTalk] Guying BX tower ??
Sam Hall
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 07:08:23 -0400
Hello to all and thanks for reading,
I have a self supporting Rohn BX series tower up 56 ft.. Like most BX
owners, I have exceeded the Mfg's. recommended mast length of 10 feet by
installing a TH7DXX . Contemplating installing a 40-2CD 10 feet above the
TH7 ( I can hear the moans and groans now). I hope to relieve the torque
limitation of the tower by installing the rotor at the bottom of the tower.
I am not an engineer but it seems to me that the torque pressures are
present at the rotor and by placing the rotor at the bottom of the tower,
the energy should be dissipated into the tower at a point where it is
considerably stronger. May be off base on this but it seems to make sense.
The total length of the mast from rotor to top beam will be about 60 feet.
made up of 22 feet of chrome molly at the top, coupled to some other type of
tubing ( don't know yet what to use) to reach the rotor. I understand I
will have a "mast twisting" problem by using this configuration but I am
going to put it up and see the extent of the problem.
I am thinking of guying the tower. My city lot is very limited for
guying but I believe I can guy 30ft. from the base. My question is do you
think it is worth the effort buying a BX series tower. Will I gain anything
by guying the tower or is its' design and construction such that guy wires
will not improve it's capabilities??
Before you blast me for being such an idiot for my installation please
know that I am well aware of shortcomings of the tower and my overloading of
it. However, it is situated such that if the full tower fell to the ground
( really don't think this very likely), it would not hit anything except my
carport roof. Lots of bent aluminum but no danger to people. The short
version is " it's the best I can do with what I got" and if it comes down
tomorrow, I have used it for 3 years and had a lot of fun.
Thanks to all and would appreciate any advice. 73, Sam--K8WVA--
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