[TowerTalk] Elementary question - trig formula

Bill Hider, N3RR n3rr@erols.com
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 02:45:58 +0100

Not only is it easier, making scaled drawings of your site is usually
required for building permits. So, I use those
drawings in the implementation of my station.  The scaled drawings take any
guess work out of the
picture.  As I contemplate buying/building new antennas, I place little
"shrimpboats"  (as I call them) on the
scaled drawings to see if whatever I'm contemplating will fit.

All this in the theme of: "It's easier to simulate/test it on the ground
before it goes on the tower."

Bill, N3RR

T A RUSSELL wrote:

> There is an even easier way that requires NO  MATH !
> Just make a scaled drawing, say 1 inch = 10 ft.
> Then you can measure your guy wire lengths and/or
> turning radius at any point on the tower.
> See, I told you it was simple.
> de  Tom  N4KG
> ............................
> On Thu, 25 Jun 1998 15:12:36 -0400 Pete Smith <n4zr@contesting.com>
> writes:
> >
> >At the risk of getting into the dumb question territory:
> >
> >If you know how far from the base of your tower your guys attach (on
> >flat
> >ground), and you know how high they attach to the tower, then you
> >should be
> >able readily to calculate how much turning radius inside the guys
> >would
> >exist at any given height on the tower.  Obviously, this would be
> >useful
> >for assessing a potential stack design.
> >                                                I
> >                                               /I
> >                                        / I
> >                                       /  I C
> >                                      /   I
> >                                     /----I
> >                                    /  ?  I
> >                                   /      I D
> >                                  /       I
> >                            -----/----B---I---------
> >
> >That is, if you know the lengths of B and C+D, then you ought to be
> >able to
> >figure out what "?" is for any length of C.
> >
> >Unfortunately, I've forgotten virtually all the plane geometry and
> >trig
> >formulas I ever learned, and I didn't keep any high school math books.
> > I
> >think the two triangles involved are called "similar triangles," but
> >that's
> >as far as my memory goes.  Can anyone tell me offhand what the right
> >formula is for this?  Once I have the fomula I can do the
> >calculations, but
> >what to calculate?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >73,  Pete Smith N4ZR
> >In wild, wonderful, fairly rare WEST Virginia
> >
> >--
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> >
> >
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