[TowerTalk] More Guy Anchors

Fred Hopengarten k1vr@juno.com
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 13:22:43 EDT

Fred Hopengarten  K1VR               781/259-0088
Six Willarch Road
Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
permanent e-mail address:  fhopengarten@mba1972.hbs.edu

On Mon, 29 Jun 1998 14:03:26 -0500 Chuck Sudds <csudds@probe.net> writes:

>. Does anyone
>see a problem with round guy anchor bases?? I do plan to have elevated 
>guys, about 4-5ft out of the ground.

K1VR: I'd be afraid that one of those suckers might just pop out of the
ground if it gets saturated with the kinds of rains we've had here in the
NE the past few weeks. Rohn specifies compacted soil over the guy anchor
base for a reason, I suspect.	


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