[TowerTalk] Yeasu Rotator

Piotr Tomczak pito@nera.no
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 15:41:59 +0100


The discusion started again. Both rotators are priciply OK.

I use a Yeasu G-1000SDX and I agree with most positive things mentioned
about this rotator on the TT.

I live in Norway and inspite that we had rather mild winter this year
the climate is not the nicest one.
I never heard about any problems with that rotator, even is 
some say it looks like a kids toy. (Maybe the rotators are not
old enough ??)

But I know lots of people having problems with HAM-IV,
my brother was one of them. 
The positive was that he fixed it by himself, only had to
wait for the parts.

The choice is YOURS !!!

 Piotr LA9HFA

     ·    · 
Piotr Tomczak           Ham call: la9hfa
Nera ASA                  Tel: +47 66843135    Fax: +47 6684 4445
1361 Billingstad         E-mail :  pito@nera.no

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