[TowerTalk] Yagi alignment

Leikhim, Joe Jleikhim@nettally.com
Mon, 09 Mar 1998 20:16:07 -0500

That could be a big part of the problem. I would suggest mounting the
trancevers in NEMA boxes at the roof.

K7LXC wrote:
> In a message dated 98-03-09 08:51:11 EST, atpaper@hutton.net writes:
> > Well the antenna already comes with the 50 feet of Belden 9914 Duobond
> >  II-Braid RG-8 Type 50 Ohms 1C10 Shielded E108998 cable, supplied by TTI
> >  Wireless
>       Hmm. That's pretty dinky cable for 2.4 gHz. According to my Belden book,
> it looks like it has about 9.0 dB loss per 100 feet @ 2.4 gHz. Maybe you want
> to go to some 7/8 Heliax or better.
> 73,  Steve  K7LXC
>      TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs
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Joe Leikhim K4SAT (EX KE4TZH)

"tv dinner by the pool, 
i'm so glad i finished school" -F.Zappa 1967

"The Revolution will NOT be televised" -Gil Scott Heron

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