[TowerTalk] Antenna Anatomy

Brad Mugleston bmug@gwl.com
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 08:58:25 -0700

I just purchased my first 2 meter vertical antenna and I don't understand 
it.   The largest antenna I've ever built is a 40M loop.  I believe I 
understand how it works.  I also believe I understand how a dipole works 
and a quarter wave vertical works BUT this antenna is almost 9 feet tall 
which is about 1 1/2 wave lengths.

There are two sections the bottom section is 56 inches and the top section 
is 50.5 inches.  They are coupled together with an 8.5 inch hairpin.   The 
whole thing is tuned with a matching section.

I realize I probably don't really understand my loop, dipole or quarter 
wave length antennas but at least what I think I know works with all these 
antennas.  This new antenna has got me.

I do have one solution, stay away from anything above HF  because I don't 
think I'll ever make a 1 1/2 wavelength vertical HF antenna.


de KB0ROL, Brad

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