[TowerTalk] Hy-Tower demise

Charles H. Harpole harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 21:24:08 -0400 (EDT)

Here is an open letter to HyGain.  Hope they get it, feel free to relay it
to them if you can and want to.
Don't discontinue the HyTower completely.  Just sell all the alumn. parts
and let the customer get his own tower from other sources.  You can even
give the approx. specs. on what kinda tower is needed.  But, the antenna
is a workhorse (very good at emergency headquarters where high winds blow,
for example) and it would be a shame to completely let it go.
What's say, HyGain?  de K4VUD

On Thu, 30 Apr 1998, UpTheTower wrote:

>       Here's some information that Roger sent me regarding the Hy-Gain Hy-
> Tower:
> >>FYI, we will be discontinuing the Hy-Tower soon.  Rohn is now requiring us
> to purchase towers in volume, and the sales can't justify this.  Most
> dealers are aware of this, and have been buying replacement parts.>>
> Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC
> --
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