[TowerTalk] balloon FD antenna
William G.Till - VE5FN
Sun, 03 May 1998 18:18:21 -0600
At 14:57 03/05/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Dennis Schaefer wrote:
>> In Wal-Mart, I saw a "party balloon kit". It was 25 nine-inch mylar
>> balloons and a small helium tank.
>> Surely 25 small balloons would support a wire of some kind, and all it cost
>> is $15.00. There is probably a little excess helium capacity in the tank,
>> anyway.
>> Will this work for Field Day? Has anybody tried a similar scheme? What
>> kind of wire? How long? How long did it stay up? (even if you didn't
>> use Viagra)
>> 73,
>> Dennis, W5RZ
>USECA, who has placed in the Top 10 overall in Field Day for the past 4
>years have experimented with many balloon and kite schemes. You may
>have seen some pictures of the 160 Delta Loop that was supported by 2 or
>3 surplus WX balloons!
>Word to the wise! There is a voltage gradient as you go higher above
>the ground. This gradient is increased when the wind is blowing!
>You'll get a healthy poke if you are not careful! The antenna has to be
>grounded, so the voltage induced on the antennas is not discharged to
>ground via a body or the rig!
>Good luck, and be careful!
>Floyd Soo, W8RO
>President, HI-RES Communications, Inc.
>Net Manager, Collins Collectors Assn. #002
>QRP-L #392
Another caution. Some years ago some hams in Sakatchewan tried
a balloon supported antenna for field day. The anchoring used was not
strong enough and the balloon got away, trailing the antenna wire beneath
it. Eventually the wire was dragged across a high voltage transmission
line, shorting it out and a large portion of the province lost power for a
period of time. Large numbers of official people were very unhappy. I
don't know what the final conclusion of the matter was, but it is not
something that anyone would like to see happen again.
Think the whole thing through very carefully before trying a balloon
supported antenna.
Bill, VE5FN
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