[TowerTalk] Re: Quads not as good as Yagis, yeah right, and dogs not as good as cats, BS
Charles H. Harpole
Mon, 4 May 1998 12:54:41 -0400 (EDT)
Pse send me a copy. I will pay postage. K4VUD
Charles H. Harpole, Ph. D.
3100 N. Hwy. 426
Geneva, FL 32732-9761 USA
Historian, filmmaker, teacher at U. of Central Fla., Orlando, Florida
harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (407) 349-2211 FAX:(407) 823-5255
On Mon, 4 May 1998 force12@interserv.com wrote:
> Good morning.
> The most definitive, real life testing between a 2 element quad and a 2el Yagi
> that I am aware of was done by Wayne Overbeck, N6NB. He used his own quad and
> the smallest, trapped tribander he could find, the TH-2 (might have been a TH-2
> Jr.) He used two, tower trailers and ran them side-by-side in various locations
> and at varying heights. He publically presented his findings and somewhere, I do
> have a copy.
> Have a great day & 73,
> Tom Schiller, N6BT
> President, Force 12, Inc.
> Amateur Antennas, Commercial Towers & Antennas
> P.O. Box 1349 Paso Robles, CA 93447
> Phone: 805.227.1680 FAX 805.227.1684
> Web Site: http://www.QTH.com/force12
> --
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