[TowerTalk] forwarding & replying

K7LXC K7LXC@aol.com
Mon, 4 May 1998 13:26:58 EDT

In a message dated 98-05-04 13:17:27 EDT, you write:

<< the role of reflector cop is far from my self-image, but i have a 
 suggestion:  when forwarding and/or replying to a message (at 
 lease when posting it to the entire reflector) how about "editing" 
 the message, deleting all of the signature stuff, and any other bits 
 which aren't germane to the topic.   >>

Hi, George --

      Enjoyed seeing you at Visalia. Hope you had fun and learned some stuff.

     When I forward something on aol, it forwards everything but the headers
so stuff that's at the bottom gets forwarded as well. I agree that 100% of the
stuff that forwarded or responded to needs editing. Especially the long posts
with the "I agree" at the end. Sheesh.

Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC

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