[TowerTalk] Plumbing a tapered pole?
Wed, 13 May 1998 00:12:46 EDT
In a message dated 98-05-12 23:53:54 EDT, garyk9gs@solaria.sol.net writes:
> How does one properly plumb a continuously tapering pole, like a flag pole?
> A plumb bob hung from the top won't easily work, unless you look for equal
> deflections on several points around the circumference of the
> pole.....very difficult to manage.
> Obviously, a spirit level is out too.
Commercial installers use a transit and sight in at the midpoint of the
bottom section. Then you tip the instrument up and sight up the pole. If the
sight isn't in the middle of the pole at the top, the difference is how far
out of plumb it is. You need to do this on two different faces to get it
Actually we have used a plumb line inside of cellular monopoles. Then you
level it with the base nuts.
Cheers, Steve K7LXC
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