[TowerTalk] Guy wire anchor dead men pull out?
Hank Lonberg
Wed, 27 May 1998 8:03 -0800
Mr Harpole:
You should be just fine if installed per the Rohn "Bible." Deadman
anchors derive their capacity from the unit weight of the soil above
them time the area of the anchor surface. I'm not counting the passive
soil pressure in this description. If you are down 3 feet and have 4
square feet of surface and your soil weighs about 110 pounds per cubic
foot(approximate value of sand) then you have about 4 x 3 x 110 =
1320 pounds capacity. Remember this is a hypothetical example. I have
not included the soil friction or passive pressure of the soil in this
one. Rohn tables are based on worst case conditions and you should be
ok if you follow.
Hank Lonberg P.E. / KR7X
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Subject: [TowerTalk] Guy wire anchor dead men pull out?
Author: harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Charles H. Harpole) at ~INETMAIL
Date: 5/26/98 11:06 PM
I have sand for soil here in Florida. My plans for guy wire anchors are
the Rohn standard dead men buried in a standard way. However, what about
my sand (not sandY, just sand) for holding the concrete dead men in the
ground? Any advice?
I went down eight feet for the crank up base and had real sand (child's
sand box grade without the purification) ALL the way down. HyGain said
"don't worry, the sand will make a good holder for your 70ft crank-up
base; install by the book and don't worry." The tower is still straight.
Still, this is just sand. Should I worry about the anchor concrete clumps
and the sand? Did I mention sand? de K4VUD
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