[TowerTalk] Low 40m Yagis

Jan-Erik Holm JEH@on.mobile.telia.se
Fri, 29 May 1998 09:05:41 GMT+1

Just a comment on the low 40m beam tread. I once had
a 4 el Yagi (60 ft boom full size) at 70 ft and it
was a reel good performer. The only station in my 
area to beat me was OH8SR and he ran a 3 el at 130
ft, into USA he only took me by 2 to 3 dB but into
JA I even did beat him pritty often.
Took the antenna down becourse I was going to put
it at another tower and also a little bit higher
but since I started to get a bad problem with my
back the project slowed down and the antenna is
now collecting weed, however one of these days 
I should have it operational again.
So I quite agree with Tom N4KG in that a 40 m Yagi
at 80 ft is nothing to sneeze at.
Meanwhile I have put up a 4 SQ array for 40 and thats
no bad performer either so when I get the Yagi in op-
eration again I sure will keep the 4 SQ, also it sure
will be interesting to compare the two antennas.

73, Jim SM2EKM    jeh@on.mobile.telia.se

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