[TowerTalk] Phillystran and Lightning
Kurt Andress
Sat, 30 May 1998 08:22:31 -0700
YagiStress - The Ultimate Mechanical Design Software for Yagi's
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> From: T A RUSSELL <n4kg@juno.com>
> What happens to the Philystran when a tower guyed with
> Philystran is struck by lightning?
> Anyone with such experience or knowledge?
> de Tom N4KG
Hi Tom,
I don't have first hand experience being struck in this configuration.
Probably will later this year as I'm planning on putting up some 45G &
At the Polyphaser seminar I attended, guys broken up with insulators was
discussed. Since they don't offer a direct path to earth, they will not
become involved with the energy exchange.
Roger block did say that if the guys were continuous, it was better to
connect them at the acnchor end to the tower ground field. This would lower
the overall inductance of the tower/guy system.
l think that the aramid guys will not be affected by a strike.
73, Kurt
YagiStress - The Ultimate Mechanical Design Software for Yagi's
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