[TowerTalk] TVI: them not me.

Bruce Richards wd4ngb@m2.sprynet.com
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 13:18:43 +0000

Hello David,
Since your neighbor is on cable, I would check that first. The easiest
way to narrow this down is to see if there are leaks in the system. On
cable, they use 2 frequencies to each channel. The easiest one to use
to check for us is ch. 18. Its picture is sent very near 145.25 and
it's audio near 149.75 . If you have a extended coverage receive 2
meter and a beam antenna, put it on 149.750 open up the squelch, and
rotate it and listen for the voice leaks from ch. 18. once you get the
heading. take a HT and go for a walk. You very well may find it seems
to be strong and then you may need to check for leaks in your own
house. Get it as close as you can with the HT, use your body as a
directional attenuator to get some directional headings on the HT.
Once you close in to the house, room, pole or what ever, you can
remove the antenna from the HT to pin point the exact location of the
leak. You may find the problem a Cable Ready TV tuner, a home owner's
own cable addition with non Cable TV rated RG59, a splitter with a
unused port and no terminating resistor cap on it. This will not take
much time, unless the leak is in your neighbors house and he is not
cooperative. Document the steeps, and the results. Good hunting ....
73/DX, Bruce

D. Rodman, MD wrote:
> After about 10 years of being off the air, I replaced an aged antenna and
> wanted to get back on.  My previous attempts produced an FCC inspection by
> my closest neighbor who complained of "interference" problems.  The
> situation was so upsetting, that I lost interest in operating the station
> and let it go all these years.  I replaced the yagi, this spring and
> finally had a chance to make a few contacts with my barefoot exciter on
> the HF bands.  The calls have started again.
> Naturally, the FCC inspection produced a "clean" report of my equipment
> last time.
> The upshod is a case of rectification of signal and RF overload, but the
> complaintant was unwilling to do anything about it.  They feel it should
> be not their problem and they should not share my hobby or have their home
> enteratinment ruined.
> Technically, I have been able to produce some 3rd and 4th harmonic TVI
> interference on my cable system, mostly on the second floor of my house.
> This is from my 100-150 watt CW signal on 15 meters only.  20 is clean.
> My home theater gets some overload too, but since I do not watch TV while
> I am operating, it is no real problem.
> My neighbor has given me only bits and pieces of information, but it seems
> all cable channels are affected, unlike my cable channel 3 & 6.
> The setup I have is very modest.  I have a crank up tower with an X9 at 60
> ft and a single sloper for some other frequencies.  My house is UNDER the
> tower, but my neighbor is located 50-100 ft away.  He has a big house.
> There are above ground power lines and cable in the area.
> Why do I overload everything there and almost nothing here?  It is hard to
> believe this location is so susceptable to RF overload.
> Interestingly enough, as of September 15, the FCC has taken back the
> investigations of complaints from the ARRL volunteer system.  I am sure
> that this will rapidly escalate in headaches and problems.
> Anyone out there have any good technical information or advice for me?
> 73,
> David J. Rodman, MD
> Assistant Clinical Professor
> Department of Ophthalmology
> State University of New York at Buffalo
> FAX 716-859-4565
> Office 716-854-1137
> e-mail: rodman@acsu.buffalo.edu
> --
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Bruce Richards / WD4NGB   (ex HL9JV)               
DX Web Page http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/wd4ngb
Mirror Page http://members.xoom.com/wd4ngb       
Space A DX  http://members.xoom.com/space_a                      
50 Miles North West of Nashville Tn             

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Submissions:              towertalk@contesting.com
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