[TowerTalk] "Tuning up" Vertical top loaded antennas

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Mon, 5 Oct 1998 15:18:57 -1000

>Why don't you just use insulated wire?

Hi,  I don't think it would make a bit of difference.  It
is the capacity loading to ground from the radials the
drags the resonant frequency of the vertical element/
radial system down below the band as I originally
set it up.  The collection of the displacement current
that wants to find the "other half" of the dipole when
using a ground mounted radial,  is partly accomplished
by the use of the radial wires,  on,  in or above the
real ground,  wherever that might be;  and it is
really pretty deep into the dirt on the low
bands,  hi!!  Further the vines on the radials
make no difference to the current collection,  just
as is the case with the radials buried in the dirt
under many an 80 and 160 meter vertical antenna.

Insulation on the radial wire means nothing,  at least
if I understand correctly what is being accomplished,
and I may not be completely correct,  hi.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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