[TowerTalk] Winch For Crank-Up & Tilt Over

donald.s.tucker@exgate.tek.com donald.s.tucker@exgate.tek.com
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 11:24:26 -0700


Just subscribed and seeking some help.  

Question 1.  I have acquired a like new Triex T-51 3-section motor driven
crankup.  I built the base and poured the cement according to Tri-ex
instructions and even made it a little deeper and wider, both ways.  I
included and installed in the base a 20 foot 4x4 steel tube which I had and
will use it as the tilt-over support and a wire antenna leg.  What I am
looking for is a 2-way locking hand winch that I can use to tilt the tower
over on its hinge and pull back up knowing that I am doing so without the
possibility of losing everything.  All I can find is a 1-way hand winch such
as used for boat trailers.  Would appreciate any suggestions or pointers as
to where I can locate such an animal or a work-around and the size and
strength of steel cable to use.

Question 2.  I have a 2 inch 6061-T6 1/4 wall 24 foot piece of tubing which
I acquired to use as a mast in the above tower.  Want to mount my TH7DXX, my
KLM 40M monopole, and a 12 ele 2M beam. My intention was to place a plate
with a bearing where the original rotator goes, and put a new rotator plate
further down the tower, to take any stress off the rotator.  My concern is
how much mast I could (should) leave out with the antennas noted and if I
could sneak in a  small 12/17M beam.


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